089 76 73 66 0


»An enriching life and life long learning need the willingness to constantly change and adapt.«

Katharina Henning-Kaul

Diplom-Betriebswirtin (FH Reutlingen) Internationales Marketing

Self-Introduction. Your Motivation. Projects. Maximaio conem volor audam ventoratia dessi invelec.Maximaio conem volor audam ventoratia dessi invelec Maximaio conem volor audam ventoratia dessi invelec.Maximaio conem volor audam ventoratia dessi invelecMaximaio .

Work Focus

Conceptual work and execution of sales excellence and communication skill training sessions
Team development, motivational skills and mental training
Conceptual work and execution of management training courses in globally working matrix organizations
Train-the-Trainer Programs
Conceptual work and execution of personality growth programs

Questions? Contact us! +49 89 76 73 66 0