089 76 73 66 0


»Give every day the chance to be the best day of your life!« (Mark Twain)

Dr. Astrid Schröer

Dr. rer. nat., Diplom-Psychologin

(+49) 177 - 46 65 25 8   

Self-Introduction. Your Motivation. Projects. Maximaio conem volor audam ventoratia dessi invelec.Maximaio conem volor audam ventoratia dessi invelec Maximaio conem volor audam ventoratia dessi invelec.Maximaio conem volor audam ventoratia dessi invelecMaximaio .

Work Focus

Practical assistance in change management processes
Team Coaching: systematic analysis of weak points in teams and companies
Training in the areas of: customer orientation, communication, conflict management, team development, work-life balancing
Development and implementation of corporate leadership and management training programs
Personal Coaching (i.e. management topics) as well as psychological coaching
Training and concepts of brand awareness and brand building

Additional Training

Questions? Contact us! +49 89 76 73 66 0